Séquences créatives adaptées au bal

2 hours from, 2h30 pm to 4h30 pm
Based on a sequence of tango abrazo closed and adapted to the milonga, students will have an active role in the educational process that aims to stimulate their creativity.
price for 2 hours: 25 € /p , 30€ included the entrance to the milonga
workshop only on registration, submission on line HERE
We had guests there is a year to the day, for a workshop on "Milonga" which had a lot of success. They returned this time with a unique theme designed to develop the creativity of the dancers.
Oliver Koch and Marisa van Andel have their own school and regular milonga in Brussels since 2006. This pair of professional dancers is regularly invited to workshops and demos in europe, and also collaborates International Festival of Brussels and Brussels Tango Marathon. They are recognized for their quality of education and method of work clear and progressive. They plan, in addition to weekly classes, monthly thematic workshops that enable more advanced re-work the fondamataux and creativity.
women technic avec Jelena Ivanovic

Jelena Ivanovic
is a professional Ballet- and contemporary dancer and has been teaching Tango for nine years. Together with her ex partner she owned her own Tango school in Switzerland and organised a festival and many Tango holiday trips to the Swiss alps. For the last two years she has been travelling and teaching her workshops at different festivals throughout Europe (Germany, Switzerland, Czechia, Malta, Finland, Italy).
In her classes Jelena always focuses on a good and healthy body attitude, a stable balance and a dynamic way of dancing. As a specialist for Tango women’s technique, her workshops are filled with a lot of technical ideas about a stable standing and turning on one leg. She also teaches her students an elegant way of walking, a healthy way of dancing in high heels and an active way of dancing in the role as a follower.
Jelena's workshops are completed by some exercises for a strong and healthy back, which will make rotation and a free leg for forward and backward boleos way easier.
As a side dish students will learn some simple massage exercises for pain free feet after dancing in high heel shoes and get some information what to keep in mind when buying new tango shoes.
Inscriptions by contact-page or by mail at tango.aux.frontieres@gmail.com
Lunch is so "potluck" and a shower on site is possible for those involved in the milonga.
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Séminaire avec Ozgur & Marina " Laissez l'orchestre guider vos pas"

From the main not traditional Argentine tango Ozgur "el Turquito" Demir and Marina Marques are back to propose a new edition of their seminar.
You have already appreciated their generosity, kindness, and teaching skills in the classroom.
The 2015 theme is entitled "Let the orchestra guide your steps"
Our maestros come to give us clues to dance differently in different orchestras.
Technic, energy and expression will be at the service of the muscicale listen, leader & follower will be able to play with the orchestra.
The long and comprehensiveness of elements discussed around a theme allow participants to immerse themselves in their tango lessons during the 9h1/2 class. This seminar allows an intensive technical work, quiet, with lots of exercises & examples in motion.
The courses are built to bring as much to each of the two roles in the dance couple.
Program 4 to 6 April 2015 (Easter Weekend)
Saturday 04: 14h to 15h technical woman.
15h to 18h Seminar Part 1.
Sunday 05: 13h30 to 16h Seminar Part 2
pause: taste Easter "eggs in the eggs."
17h to 22h00 Milonga and show.
Monday 06: 14h to 17h Seminar Part 3.
The seminar + 1h + taste + women technic milonga: € 145
reduced price - 25 years: 110 €
Registrations by email tango.aux.frontieres@gmail.com, and are available for all of the training offered by maestros.
Accommodation on site by appointment:
rate per night: 30 € room double bed, or 20 € single bed (large rooms with 3 beds),
super continental brunch: 10 € / day
Atelier avec Oliver & Marisa "séquences adaptées à la vals et à la milonga"

Nous les avions invités pour deux ateliers qui eurent beaucoup de succès: "Milonga" puis "Séquences créatives adaptées au bal" . Ils reviennent 2 fois cette année, en mai puis en novembre, dans la continuité des thèmes précédents, destinés à développer la créativité des danseurs, leur aisance en bal et l'écoute musicale.
L'atelier se construit autour de séquences déclinées sur les tempos typiques de la vals et la milonga.
Ces séquences sont adaptées à la circulation en bal.
Les élèves auront un rôle actif dans le processus pédagogique qui vise à stimuler leur créativité.
durée: 2 heures, de 14h30 à 16h30
prix: 25 € par personne, 30€ avec l'entrée à la milonga
inscriptions en couple sur ce lien
Lire plusStage Milonga Traspié avec El Pibe SARANDI

“Je t’ai enseigné des mouvements, de la technique. Il s’agit maintenant de leur donner vie. C’est l’âme qui donne vie aux mouvements. C’est là que se trouve la magie du tango. Mais, je ne peux pas te donner mon âme, c’est toi qui dois y mettre la tienne.” Ricardo Maceiras
Depuis vingt ans il se consacre à l'enseignement de la Milonga et du Tango. Ces cours transmettent le savoir faire des pistes de Buenos Aires. Il est une référence de la Milonga Traspié en Argentine et dans le monde, et c'est avec plaisir que l'on accueille ce maestro invité et accompagné de Tina Riccardi, danseuse et fondatrice de Tango Querido, à Bruxelles
Prix du stage 1h30: 20 €/ pers
inscription en couple Pour s'inscrire: lien ici
Le stage sera suivi d'une practica libre jusque 23h30