Philippe El Duque


Philippe el Duque

I play traditional tango music because I believe that the golden age maestros created the best tango music for dancing. My main ingredients for "tango cooking" are danceability, diversity and quality of the music. When I'm DJing, I focus on creating a flow and keeping the right level of energy that fits the dancers needs. 

In my opinion, a milonga is a journey though moods and emotions. As a DJ, my role is to be at the service of the dancers and my goal is to bring them together in a single  musical embrace until the end of the milonga.

Tanda de Carlos di Sarli

  1. Play
    Carlos di Sarli canta R.Rufino

    si tu quisieras

  2. Play
    Carlos di Sarli canta R.Rufino

    Canta pajarito

  3. Play
    Carlos di Sarli canta R.Rufino

    Como se hace un tango

  4. Play
    Carlos di Sarli canta R.Rufino

    Anselmo acuna el resero

Tango aux frontières, la milonga des jours fériés